Why should I sell the Rose of Jericho plants?
10 Reasons why the Rose of Jericho is a bestseller and will attract your customers attention:
1. It is a living product – your customers can almost see the transition by themselves (never forget to have a plant in the water and show them the transition in pictures)!
2. It has a symbolic character, it’s transition evokes the thoughts of the resurrection of Jesus or the Circle of Life, which will get your customers emotionally connected to this product!
3. The Rose of Jericho (Selaginella lepidophylla) is a universal gift item – suitable for children and adults, men and women, christians or new age people and so on… Most people would love to get this (wouldn’t you? ;)!
4. Even though it is often connected to christian believes and to the easter holidays, this can be used as a gift at any time!
5. It can be sold online and offline just alike – well displayed it is always a success (if you need pictures to design some leaflets, just contact me)!
6. It’s a natural product, which will last and therefore it is really «a la mode» currently – if ever somebody won’t like it anymore, it can be composted, no waste produced!
7. Customers will have something to remember your shop – after many years most people still know where they bought it, especially if you add an information sheet with your name to the packaging!
8. It is a unique, natural product and gift, each plant is individually formed!
9. It is in the perfect gift price range at around 3-8€ recommended retail price and has a very good margin for retailers!
10. There’s not much to lose, at a very small minimum quantity, really!
Convinced? Give it a try and place an order right away – it’s really easy!
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