Smaller Rose of Jericho Plants in their dry formMiddle sized nicely round-shaped Rose of Jericho plantsA Rose of Jericho begins to open up, still mostly brown colouredAfter several hours in preferably warm water, the leaves have turned green and the plants is open – an amazing transition!
It is no surprise that this plant is also called “the plant of resurrection” – selling very good to christian customers and especially in the easter time!
Always keep a plant open and green so that everyone can see this process!
You’d like to get a Rose of Jericho plant, but only one, two or three? Get your plants at amazon, with these links for the US* and Germany.*
An example of how different this plant can be formed – a natural product! Small, big, round, weirdly shaped – but always the same function……turning from a brown, dry looking ball into a green and opened up plant.
And not to forget our fantastic unique DELUXE semi-precious stone filled Roses of Jericho – an amazing gift!
Each plant is unique. And these DELUXE plants have a surprise inside!
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